Winston Churchill - In war, you can only be killed once

winston churchill quotes

"In war, you can only be killed once, but in politics, many times."

- Winston Churchill -

Winston Churchill - We make a life by what we give

winston churchill quotes

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

- Winston Churchill -

Winston Churchill - It is always wise to look ahead

winston churchill quotes

"It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see."

- Winston Churchill -

Winston Churchill - About success

winston churchill quotes

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

- Winston Churchill -

Winston Churchill - To improve is to change

winston churchill quotes

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

- Winston Churchill -

Dr. Seuss - Step with care and great tact

dr seuss quotes

"Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act."

- Dr. Seuss -

Dr. Seuss - Don't cry because it's over

dr seuss quotes

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

- Dr. Seuss -

Mark Twain - Better a broken promise

mark twain quotes

"Better a broken promise than none at all."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - Man was made when God was tired

mark twain quotes

"Man was made at the end of the week's work, when God was tired."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - Action speaks louder than words

mark twain quotes

"Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - Do the thing you fear most

mark twain quotes

"Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - About forbidden things

mark twain quotes

"The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - Courage is resistance to fear

mark twain quotes

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - If you tell the truth

mark twain quotes

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - You can't depend on your eyes

mark twain quotes

"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."

- Mark Twain -

Mark Twain - Age is an issue of mind over matter

mark twain quotes

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

- Mark Twain -


ability absence accept accident achieve achievement act action activist actor age ahead aim Albert Einstein always ambition anger anonymous answer anything art art of war Atlanta attack author bad people balance based basis bear beauty become begins behind believe betrays better beyond bicycle bird bisexuality blind Bob Marley body books Boston brightly brilliant broken Brooklyn brother brothers Bruce Lee Buddha built can Caprese care certain chain chance change character Chicago China climb coincidence collection color common sense compassion complicate conceal concientious conclusion Confucius consist content cook courage cover creation cruelty cry curiosity curious cut danger dangerous daring darkness date day dead deadline death deception depend desire destroy diamond die difference difficult difficulties difficulty director disappointment discover divided divine do Dr. Seuss dream Edgar Allan Poe eighteen end enemy England ennobles enthusiasm everything example experience eye eyes failure faith false fate fear feel fight film producer find finite fire fish fit flaw flexible focus fool foolish fools forbidden force forever foundation frailty Francis Bacon free freedom friend friendship fun funny future genius Germany get give goal God good good man good people govern Grace Hopper gravitation great greatest Greece happened head heal heart heaven hidden high hit hope Horace horrible human humility humor ignorance imagination imagine imitation immediately immortality imprison improve independence India Indiana infinite insist inspirational quotes intelligense interesting issue Italy Jamaica James Dean jewels job journey judge killed knowledge Kong Qui Lao Tzu laugh laughter lawyer lead leader leadership learn ledership quotes lesson life light limits live living logic London look ahead look further loot lose loss louder love lover low made madness Mahatma Gandhi man many times mark Mark Twain marriage martial arts Martin Luther King Jr mastering mastery mathematician mathematics matter meaningless means memories men Michelangelo Mickey Mouse middle miles milk mind miserable Missouri mistake moral qualities morality motivational motivational quotes mountain move movies music musician Napoleon Hill nation nature Nepal never new New Delhi New York Nikos Kazantzakis no fear non-violence none nose nothing nourish object often once opportunity oppression others over overdo pain painter parts passions past patience peace pebble people perfect perfection perish persistence person philosopher physicist picture pirates plans plumber poem poet poetry politics popular port possible powerful practice prejudices present prime minister problems promise punish question reach real reallity reflection refuse remember resist resistance responsible reward rhythmical riding right risk road Rome safe Salvador Dali San Francisco Saturday night screenwriter sculptor secret see self self improvement senses sex shine ship Siddhartha Gautama sign silence simplicity simultaneously sincere singer skin sleep small smile soft soldier solution solve songwriter source Spain speak Spiritual teacher splendor Springfield start starting point step sticks still stones stop strength strongest study stupid stupidity subdue substance success Sun Tzu Sunday supreme swift sword symbol tact teach television tell thankful things thinking thousand time tired today together tomorrow top 20 torure tragedy transform treasure Treasure Island treasures tree true true power truth two ultimate unborn universe Usa value victory virtues walk Walt Disney war warfare water way weapon weapons well wields wind wings Winston Churchill wisdom wise wise man wood Woody Allen words work world world war worry wounding writer yourself